23rd July, 2020
I join to fishing in Omaezaki which is in Shizuoka Prf. AIFACHIKYOEIMARU.
As the last day we are going to catch on shallow pointsに引き続きシャローのポイントで色々と狙います。
When we arrive to the point, the tide starts moving😳
There are some hits.
We catch small sized sea breams and rockfishes.
By DROP-K80g gold glow
Well sized sea bream here
Then the tide got in bad condition😰
We throw jigs as far as possible and widely try to catch.
By IEYASU60g red metallic
We catch but sizes are kinda small.
We go for more shallower point.
Using jig, and widely and deeplyジグで広く探って
By IEYASU40 all glow
Then the hit comes and it’s super heavy😱
By DROP-K80g gold glow
These two days, colour like ginkgo is great to catch🤣
I recommend to fish at shallow spots sometimes😁